John 4:1-26

This passage is rich. It’s a conversation between Jesus and a Samaritan woman outside the village of Sychar in the middle of the desert. The conversation has many movements. Requests are made, social barriers are addressed, the topic of living water (eternal life) finds its way into the conversation, true worship that God the Father seeks is explained, and then almost as an after thought Jesus makes his first out right proclamation that he is the Messiah. That’s a lot of stuff. While it is all very very good we will focus our discussion today on verses 21-24.

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Summit Church
Easter 2016

For Easter we asked the question why? Why did Jesus have to die such a horrible death on a cross? Why did he stand silent before his accusers? Why did the flogging take place? Why the nails? We concluded that all of this was the explicit will of God. We know this because the Prophets wrote of each heinous act hundreds of years before it occurred. We finished the morning by asking the bigger “Why” why would God choose in his sovereignty to cause Jesus to suffer in this way? The answer is clear... So you and I could see how much He loves us.

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Summit Church
Mark 14:1-11

The anointing of Jesus at Bethany. There are two key things to grasp in this passage. Verses 1-2 and 10-11 hold the first key point.

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Summit Church
Mark 11:1-11

The triumphal entry. A day full of excitement. Jesus is entering Jerusalem for the 3rd and final time. The worshipers line the street to usher in a conquering king. They have done this before with King Jehu (2 Kings 9:13). The expectations were through the roof. The people firmly believed that Jesus was going to ride into Jerusalem on his gentle donkey (Zechariah 9:9) and kick out the Roman soldiers and then take his seat on the throne in Jerusalem. They could not have been more disappointed. Read verse 11 again! What a let down!!!

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Summit Church
John 1:35-51

Therefore the definition of a disciple of Jesus is one who teaches what Jesus taught, lives in the same way Jesus lived, and represents Jesus in His absence.

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Summit Church