8:00 AM08:00

Feed His Sheep Thanksgiving

Every Sunday, Feed His Sheep ministers to the homeless people in downtown OKC. They serve a meal, hand out donated items, provide bus passes and others needed things, and offer services. This month, they are providing a Thanksgiving meal, and we want to help them out. We will need people to cook and carve turkeys, and we can also use some volunteers to help serve the meal and interact with the people there. Contact Nathan if you can help. Click here to find out more information about Feed His Sheep.

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9:00 AM09:00

OKC Dream Center Drive-Thru Pantry

Summit partners with the Dream Center (2212 SW 55th, OKC) to help them with their monthly drive-thru food pantry. On Friday, we help them unload the truck of food, organize the items on the tables, and fill up the boxes of food that will be given out on Saturday. On Saturday, we load the cars with the boxes of food and extra items as they drive through. There are also opportunities to invite the guests to church and to pray with them. If there are enough volunteers, we sometimes walk around the neighborhood and pick up trash. This opportunity needs anywhere from 5-15 volunteers on each day (kids are welcome). Contact Nathan if you can help. Click here to find out more information about the OKC Dream Center.

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10:00 AM10:00

OKC Dream Center Drive-Thru Pantry

Summit partners with the Dream Center (2212 SW 55th, OKC) to help them with their monthly drive-thru food pantry. On Friday, we help them unload the truck of food, organize the items on the tables, and fill up the boxes of food that will be given out on Saturday. On Saturday, we load the cars with the boxes of food and extra items as they drive through. There are also opportunities to invite the guests to church and to pray with them. If there are enough volunteers, we sometimes walk around the neighborhood and pick up trash. This opportunity needs anywhere from 5-15 volunteers on each day (kids are welcome). Contact Nathan if you can help. Click here to find out more information about the OKC Dream Center.

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12:00 PM12:00

Norman Family Serve Day

Sunday after church in the gym at our Norman campus, we will pack grocery boxes for families from Alcott Middle School. This is a great opportunity for adults and children to get involved serving people in need. We always need lots of volunteers to make this happen. Contact Nathan to get more information.

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1:00 PM13:00

Vida Victoriosa Thanksgiving Feast

Every year, Summit provides food and volunteers so that Vida Victoriosa Church can offer a free Thanksgiving meal to their community and the homeless people who live near them. We need people to cook & carve turkeys, cook sides (dressing, green beans, etc.) and to make desserts (cookies, cakes, pies, etc). We also need people to help us serve the meals to the people. Obviously, you can see that we need many volunteers to make this happen. Contact Nathan if you can help. Click here to find out more information about Vida Victoriosa Church.

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4:00 PM16:00

Foster Parents Night Out

Summit Church is partnering with DHS to host Foster Parents Night Out! We create a fun and safe environment for foster children while their foster parents have a few hours to enjoy a night out.

If you are interested in serving, sign up here:

*Must be at least 18 years old to serve.

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