“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
Love – a very famous Bible speaks of love: the verse is John 3:16. As I sit and ponder this well-known verse and reflect on Christ’s first advent, I am both in awe and am humbled at the understanding that God would give his son Jesus to be born into this world for not only my sake but for all the ages.
Then my mind turns to Mary, the mother of Jesus. I have always wondered what Mary must have felt when the Angel Gabriel told her that she would become pregnant as “the Holy Spirit would come upon her and the power of the Most High would cover her.” “For that reason the baby would be holy and be called the Son of God“ (Luke 1:26-38). Mary’s response was one of obedience, as she understood that she was a servant of the Lord and proclaimed “Let this happen to me as you say” (vs 38). Soon the baby boy was born, a son as the Angel had told her.
As a mother and grandmother myself, I know that at that moment Mary looks at her baby with so much love that it is uncontainable. Her heart is instantly changed by this precious baby, an immediate bond is formed, and a commitment to love and protect this child is made. That same love, expressed during Christ’s first advent, is the love that God has for you and me, but even more... an unconditional, unfailing, and unending love for you and me. Romans 8:39 tells us that “Nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord”. Consider that thought. How wide and deep is the love of Christ for you and me!
- Written by Vicki Yeats
DECEMBER 16, 2018
1. 1 John 4: 7-17
- What is one of your favorite love stories? This can be from a movie, book or even a story that you know.
- What stands out about your favorite love story? What makes it special?
Read 1 John 4: 7-10
- Make a list together of all the things we can learn from this verses about what love is.
- What is the difference between claiming that “God is loving” and claiming that “God is love”? Why is the second one more meaningful?
- God shows His love for you and I in that He sent His Son to be a sacrifice for sin. What insight does this give us in how we should love one another?
Read 1 John 4:11-17
- What does it mean that His love is perfected in us in verse 12?
- How do we abide in God’s love? How do we show not just our own love but the love of God to others around us?
- How willing are you to make loving sacrifices in your relationships right now? What does this question show us about our relationship with the father right now?
- The specific call in his passage is the we love other believers. How can we as a home group show greater love to one another? What are ways that we have loved each other well in the past?
Take a moment to share with your group a person that you may find it difficult to love right now. Spend time praying for that person and our own heart that we would show a sacrificial love.
Adult Discussion:
Children Teaching Element
How do we teach our children to love their siblings when they seem to be fighting a lot?
What biblical advice can we give our child if they are being bullied at school? How do they show love or at least pray for their enemies?
How do you handle situations when you see your child being emotionally hurt by another child?