John 10:1-13

Sermon Response


The Text: Read John 10:1-13

A beautiful allegory proclaiming Jesus to be the good shepherd, a role held only by God himself. The passage is meant to condemn the pharisees for the poor care that had shown the flock of God yet in doing so it becomes a passage of great hope for those of us who call Jesus our lord and savior.


  1. How can Jesus be the good shepherd and the gate?

  2. Why do you think the pharisees didn’t understand Jesus’ teaching? (vs 6)

  3. Who or what is the thief in vs 10?

  4. What makes Jesus the good shepherd?

  5. What are the three privileges given to the sheep of Jesus flock? (vs 9-10)


1. The first privilege given by Jesus to those who listen and obey His voice is Salvation. Describe how you came to trust Jesus for your salvation.

  1. The second privilege given by Jesus to those who listen and obey His voice is Provision (pasture). Describe how you currently trust in Jesus for your provision (resources, food, shelter). How can you trust him more?

  2. The third privilege given by Jesus to those who listen and obey His voice is Life to the full? Describe how you are currently living out this abundant life in Jesus. What are some aspects of this abundant life that you feel you are currently missing? How can you step more fully into this full life?


God may we hear only your voice. May we trust in no other voices and may we trust in you alone as our good shepherd. Let us intentionally tell others of the goodness that we have found in you. 

Summit Church