Easter 2016
Sermon Response
Easter 2016
Read Isaiah 62-63, Psalm 22
For Easter we asked the question why? Why did Jesus have to die such a horrible death on a cross? Why did he stand silent before his accusers? Why did the flogging take place? Why the nails? We concluded that all of this was the explicit will of God. We know this because the Prophets wrote of each heinous act hundreds of years before it occurred. We finished the morning by asking the bigger “Why” why would God choose in his sovereignty to cause Jesus to suffer in this way? The answer is clear... So you and I could see how much He loves us.
How does Jesus’ passion, his last few hours on this earth, clearly display the infinite love of God for mankind?
When you hear that God sent his Son to die in this way for you what response does your heart naturally give?
Jesus made seven statements while on the cross. Read each one of them and try and unpack the purpose behind each. Focus most of
your time on number four and number six. Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do
- Father forgive them, for they know not what they do - Today you will be with me in paradise
- Behold your son: behold your mother
- My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
- I thirst
- It is finished
- Father, into your hands I commit my spirit
How do you feel when you understand that Jesus took your place on the cross?
While you were still a sinner Jesus became sin so that you might become righteous. How does this change the way you think about having to have it all together before you approach God?
Thank God for his incredible sacrifice and love. Worship him.