May 7, 2017
The Text: Read John 12:30-36
Jesus tells a group of listeners that the Son of Man must be lifted up, hung on a cross, in order for three very important things to happen. 1. Jesus takes upon himself the wrath of God and the debt of sin. 2. Jesus conquers Satan
3. The cross becomes the lighthouse by which all mankind will be called to the Father.
After Jesus says these things he disappears into the crowd to speak publicly no more.
How does the cross of Christ become Judgement for the world?
How does the cross of Christ destroy the Prince of this World?
How does the cross of Christ call all mankind to the Father?
Why is the symbol of the cross so powerful?
What does the cross mean to you?
Has the cross of Christ called you to God? Explain how.
4. What is the cross calling you to do?
God thank you for the Cross. For its power and the joy that comes through faith in Jesus the one who was lifted up. May we live lives that are worthy of the Cross, by your grace. May we all be witnesses of the cross as you continue to call men and women to yourself.