July 31, 2017
The Text: Read John 14:22-31
Judas starts off the section by asking a good question, but Jesus answers the question by repeating many of the same things he has already told his disciples. Jesus does however give one incredible piece of new information. He tells his disciples that he will not only send the Holy Spirit but he will also leave His Peace. The peace of Christ along with the power of the Holy Spirit perfectly enables his disciples to face today with all the necessary tools to accomplish their mission.
Why do you think Jesus ignored Judas’ question?
Which statements does Jesus repeat from the previous sections? Why are these all so important?
What is the role of Satan in this passage?
Does the peace of Christ currently rule in your heart? Explain.
What areas of disobedience in your life are robbing you from having the peace of Christ?
How do you face hardship in your life?
4. What area of your life currently needs the peace of Christ the most?
God you gave us the most precious gift of Jesus and He has in His mercy given us His peace. May we delight in you and your Son as we journey through the trials and struggles of life. Give us the Peace of your Son Jesus.