Sermon Response 3/19/17


The Text:
MATTHEW 6:8-15; JAMES 4:2-3; PHILIPPIANS 4:4-13

As believers, talking to God and requesting things from Him are important to our spiritual lives because prayer unlocks the power of God. It is very important to know “what” to pray, and we should be diligent to learn “how” to pray, but the thing that causes a loyal relationship with God as opposed to a transactional relationship is understanding “why” we need to pray.


  1. Read Matthew 6:8-15: What 4 things does Jesus tell us to include in our prayers? Which one of these is hardest for you? Why?

  2. Why is confession so hard? Why is it so important to our prayer life?

  3. Why do people treat prayer like a vending machine? What does it do to your faith if God doesn’t give you what you ask? Is there a wrong way to ask (pray)? Read James 4:2-3.

  4. Read Philippians 4:4-13: How do Paul’s instructions help us know how to pray and help us respond to God no matter how He answers our prayers? What is the key to being able to rejoice, release (relax), request, reflect & repeat?

  5. Why should you pray?


  1. Confess your sin to God (and maybe to someone else).

  2. Develop a desire for a loyal relationship with Jesus – not just a transactional one –

    motivated by your understanding of why you need to pray.

  3. Approach God with a contentment driven by your gratitude for the cross.

  4. Keep asking God for daily provision and for protection.


Lord Jesus, I confess all my sins to you. Please forgive me and help me be forgiven towards those who have hurt me or sinned against me. Help me have a relationship with you that is not based on how you answer my prayers or on how much you bless me, but one that is based on my gratitude for the love you showed me on the cross. Thank you for loving me and for saving me from hell. If you never give me another gift, I already have enough because of that one gift. You are holy and you are good. Amen.


Devin Green