Sermon Response
The Text: JOHN 11:17-44
Jesus finally arrives in Bethany where Lazarus has died. He is too late, and Martha and Mary are disappointed that Jesus didn’t heal their brother. Their responses in their disappointment are vastly different – Martha tries to take control of the situation and Mary settles into her discouragement, not even being able to be consoled. Jesus weeps because He is so passionate about His mission – to glorify His Father and to draw people to believe in Him (to make disciples). And He realizes that they don’t fully trust Him or understand this mission. He shows them His mission by raising Lazarus from the dead which both gives glory to God and causes people to believe in Jesus.
When you are disappointed, do you find yourself more like Martha – trying to take control of the situation – or are you more like Mary – retreating into your disappointment and discouragement?
Why is it hard to trust Jesus in the midst of your disappointment with life?
If you knew that the cause of your disappointment would bring glory to God and cause someone to believe in Jesus, would you ask God to take it away?
Which is most difficult for you – Blindly trusting in Jesus to handle your situation... Focusing on His mission instead of your circumstances... or Releasing the thing that you’re holding on to that is causing your disappointment?
What one step can you take today to Trust, Focus & Release?
How can God use your situation to glorify God and make disciples?
Lord, I give you my expectations, my disappointment and my doubt. Please help me to trust you more with EVERY area of my life. Keep my mind focused on your mission so that others can know you because they know me.