John 8:31-36

Sermon Response


The Text: Read John 8:31-36

Jesus is speaking to recent converts. He begins by explaining the requirements of discipleship and then describes the benefits of discipleship. In this small passage Jesus explains the need to hold to His teachings and in doing so experience true freedom. The freedom Jesus describes is freedom from sin. He offends the highly religious group by calling them slaves to sin butJesus knows they are all sinful and in need of freedom. Therefor, Jesus ends with a beautiful reminder, John 8:36 If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”


  1. What does it mean to “hold to Jesus teachings”?

  2. Why did the hearers on this day take offense to being called slaves? (remember the Israelites were slaves to Egypt for centuries)

  3. Why does a slave have no permanent place in the home (vs 35)?


Take some time to think about the freedom that Jesus affords those who accept and obey His Word. Read the following passages to help with this thought process.

Romans 6:16 you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness.

Galatians 4:6-7 Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.

  1. Have you ever had a liberating experience?( It does not have to be spiritual) How did you feel?

  2. Describe a time when you felt “trapped” “stuck” “bound” by sin?

  3. Have you ever experienced the freedom that Jesus describes in this passage? Explain.

  4. I gave several other areas from which the power of Jesus can free us. In which of these areas do you most desperately need freedom? Explain why.

freedom from the judgement of men (labels) freedom from the condemnation of the law (legalism) freedom from fear of God (punishment)


God show us in a tangible way that those your Son sets free are free indeed. Help us never walk in slavery to sin, but instead daily cling to Jesus for the power to walk in life. Remove our legalism and self-

striving and let us see our great need for a savior that frees us from all our sins. 

Summit Church