June 25, 2017

This week concludes the two part study of the book of Ruth. Last week, we focused on Boaz and his example of protecting/providing and comforting/caring for Ruth. He covered her and acted as her kinsman-redeemer, buying the land of her father-in-law and marrying her, welcoming Naomi as well. Jesus, as our Better Boaz, covers us with his blood and takes us from being foreigners and aliens to members of his family and recipients of all the covenantal promises.

Sunday, we talked about Ruth’s example of trusting God in wilderness times, being faithful in the waiting, and resting in the promises and rewards. We also discussed our ultimate redemption through the blood of Christ.


Ruth 1:1-5

1. What is the significance of Elimilech taking his family to Moab during the famine in Israel and staying there for 10 years?

  • What does this say about the way Elimilech led his family? (faith, protection, etc.)

  • What does it mean if believers “return to Moab”?

    Ruth 1:15-16

    2. Ruth was born and raised in Moab. She turned from all she knew to go with Naomi to Israel.

  • What does it show about Ruth’s faith that she clung to Naomi saying “your people shall be my people, and your God my God”. (Note Orpah went back “to her gods”)

  • In what ways was Naomi a type of mentor/spiritual mother for Ruth? (also 2:20-3:5)

  • Do you have someone like this in your life? Someone that you can help point you towards God and guide you along the way?

  • Are you this for anyone else?

    Ruth 2:1-13

4. Ruth went to the field and worked all day-for two months, through both the barley and wheat harvests. She was humble, obedient, hard working, and diligent. She had faith in the way she handled even the mundane, boring parts of life. Boaz recognized her great character as she cared for Naomi and worked with integrity in his field.

  • What example Ruth set for us, as people that spend most of our days just doing the things that have to get done?

  • Read Matthew 25:23. What does God say about people that are faithful in the little things?

  • How can we live missionally in “the little things”.


Ruth 2:12 and 3:9

5. Both passages talk about taking cover under wings. (Some translations use the term “garment”, but both words are the same Hebrew word, “Kanaph”)

  • What do the wings symbolize?

  • Wives, how can your husband provide this safety for you? Describe how you feel when you are secure under his wings of protection and godly leadership? (See also Song of Solomon 2:3)

  • How can the protection and gentleness of being under the wings of a faithful husband relate to your ability to respect and submit to your husband? (Eph. 5:22-33)


    Read Ephesians 2:12-14 and 1 Peter 1:18-19

    6. Ultimately, Jesus is the Better Boaz for both men and women. We rest under the wings of his blood. We are no longer aliens and foreigners, but part of God’s family and under his blessings and promises...receiving the “full reward”.



  • How does it comfort you to know you are under God’s wings, wings of protection that will never be removed?

  • If you are in a time of wandering, maybe you have “traveled to Moab”. What steps do you need to take to return to God and place yourself back under his wings?


God, thank you for giving us grace that we did not deserve and for saving us, even though we were like foreigners and separated from you because of our sin. Thank you that you have called us and we can trust you in the wilderness and rest under your wings of safety and protection. Thank you for those that have helped to guide us along the way. We pray that we will remain faithful and be a people of integrity and a witness to you in this world. Let us rest under your wings, stay focused on you, and trust that we will find our full reward in you alone. 

Devin Green