June 19, 2017

The Text:
Read The Book of Ruth (If you want to)

The story of Ruth and Boaz is one of faithfulness and obedience. It’s a story of redemption and ultimately of God’s love for his people. From this book we can see several characteristics of Boaz that men should strive to achieve. But the reality is, no man can be Boaz without knowing the better Boaz, Jesus.


  1. Why did Ruth choose to stay with Naomi?

  2. Why did Boaz show favor to Ruth?

  3. What made Ruth’s actions in the threshing floor so extraordinary?

4. Why did Boaz choose to redeem Ruth through the land of Elimelech?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

What makes a man a good protector and provider?

How can a man be a great comforter and giver of care?

What does it mean for a man to provide a covering of leadership for his family? What does this look like?

What does it mean for a man to provide a spiritual covering for his family. What does this look like?

Why is it so important for a man to have a relationship with Jesus in order to be like Boaz?


God you are the better Boaz. Help the men in the room to be more like you. Let them love you first and foremost and may your grace be sufficient to love and lead their family well. 

Devin Green